
Notes on how to improve Tiki installer

This was all solved and Tiki has a slick installer. Page below is kept for posterity

Installation Comparison

A side-by-side, screen-by-screen comparison of a new installation. What can we learn?


  • Download the ZIP.
  • FTP to your webhost.
  • Open browser to URL

A side-by-side, screen-by-screen comparison of a new installation. What can we learn?

Drupal 6.8 TikiWiki 2.2 Discussion
Choose language
Error message
Tiki's initial screen (the very first thing a new user will see) is basically an error message. There's a link to run the installer, but I thought that's what I was already doing! Tiki needs a better way of determining if this is a new install (that is, there's no local.php file).

Drupal certainly looks a lot slicker. I can install in English (the default) or select another language. Since the Tiki installer is already multi-lingual, certainly this could be incorporated.
Verify requirements
None Drupal gives me an error and forces me to manually change files in my directory.
Set up database
Database Configuration
Very similar. Drupal's Advanced Settings allow you to change the host or specify a table prefix.

Both Tiki & Drupal require that the table already exist.
Drupal 6.8 is for mysqli only.
None Nice that Drupal shows you that its working. Tiki gives no indication that it is "working" when running the SQL.
Configure site
None It is nice that Dupal prompts new users for some basic site information. Prehaps Tiki could also populate some of the common General Admin items:
*Site name
*Sender email
*Admin password (would eliminate the need to prompt for password change at first login. Also the elimination of a default password would be a security improvement).
*Default timezone
*Site logo

Drupal allows you to customize the Administrator account name
Installation complete
Installation complete
I like how Drupal checks for mail() function. This is a potential pitfall for new Tiki-ers.

Tiki displays the initial login information, something that Drupal does not.
Initial site
Initial site

Page last modified on Thursday 12 January 2012 03:38:05 GMT-0000