Features / Usability

Features / Usability

top banner does not display properly

posts: 56

Hi, I edited tiki-top_bar.tpl to have a top banner shows some images for me but it doesn't display on my IE properly. I'm wondering what's going wrong as everything looks fine for me. Please see the code below. I make my table to width 100% and what shows up is only the same as the width of the image and not to the entire screen. Any idea? Thank you.

<table background="white" width="100%"> <tr> <td vertical-align="top" horizontal-align="left" width="100%"><img src="BofA/Images/BofAHigherStandard.png" /></td> </tr> <tr width=100%> <td background="#D4001A" width="100%"> <img src="BofA/Images/Logo.png" /> </td> </tr> </table> <table background="white" width="100%"><tr> {tr} This is{/tr} GFX Collaboration Portal &#169; 2005&#8211;2008 {if $feature_calendar eq 'y' and $tiki_p_view_calendar eq 'y'} <a href="tiki-calendar.php">{$smarty.now|tiki_short_datetime}</a> {else} {$smarty.now|tiki_short_datetime} {/if} {if $tiki_p_admin eq 'y' and $feature_debug_console eq 'y'} &#160;//&#160;<a href="javascript:toggle('debugconsole');">{tr}debug{/tr}</a> {/if} {if $feature_phplayers eq 'y' and $feature_siteidentity eq 'y' and $feature_sitemenu eq 'y'} {phplayers id=42 type=horiz} {/if}</tr> </table>

posts: 1092

Try to put a border around your image table to see if it is effectively the table that is no t100%, After you have to look into the container of the table. Is it a div, a table ..
Try also with another theme
Good luck