Features / Usability

Features / Usability

calendar start in Monday

posts: 27

How I can change the first day of the calendar the Sunday to Monday?
in Europe the days of the week they begin in Monday.

posts: 27

> How I can change the first day of the calendar the Sunday to Monday?
> in Europe the days of the week they begin in Monday.


Somebody can tell me something on changing the day of beginning of the calendar?, it is very important for my and for all the European users.


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posts: 1092

This localization is done in your lang/your_language/language.php file
So perhaps your language is not set up.

You must find a line like this
"First day of week: Sunday (its ID is 0) - translators you need to localize this string!"=>"1",

You can find an example in the lang/fr/language.php file.


posts: 27
thanks Sylvie!

posts: 27


I have changed this in language.php of my language but she does not change the day of beginning of the calendar, for example in MyTiki home > Mini Calendar, if I watch the calendar the first day of the continuous week being Sunday and I need that I begin in Monday.

I have put: "First day of week: Sunday (its YOU GO is 0) - translators you need to localize this string " = > "1",
I have watched it in the folder of the German and I have put it equal in my language and it does not work.

Also I have change the language of the Tiki of mine to the German to see if it works and it does the same.


> How I can change the first day of the calendar the Sunday to Monday?
> in Europe the days of the week they begin in Monday.

posts: 1092
The language.php "trick" works only for a group calendar (tiki-calendar.php) not the personal one.

posts: 27

cry Hello to all,

Please would thank you that you helped me on this topic it is very important for my.
