

a little question a tikiwiki user

posts: 3 France
where can I propose some patches and bug fix for tikiwiki 1.9.7 or later ?!
posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

> where can I propose some patches and bug fix for tikiwiki 1.9.7 or later ?!
Hi leelouch, and Welcome to Tikiwiki community! smile

Plain users (not coders) normally post bug reports or requests of feature enhancements (RFE) at:

Coders (bug fixers, RFE coders, creative coders :-), ...) communicate through tikiwiki-devel list (look for it, if needed, at http://sf.net/projects/tikiwiki ), plus on IRC channel #tikiwiki (ConnectingToIrc), and they directly commit changes to code at cvs (http://dev.tikiwiki.org/CvsTips)

Hope this helps... :-)

posts: 3 France

ok thanks
have a lot to say ! :-)