

Multilingual wiki page translations and images

posts: 3665 United States

I'm looking for a strategy for "translating" images in wiki pages.

How can I get Tiki to use language-specific images for a given wiki page? For example, I have the page Foo (in EN) that is translated into:

  • Foo, es (Spanish)
  • Foo, de (German)

On the page, I have the image (../img/wiki_up/bar.png).

When viewing the page Foo, I want users to see the image bar.png,

  • but when viewing the page Foo, es, I want users to see the image bar_es.png

I also way Tiki to "fall back" to use the original (English) image (bar.png) if a language-specific image file does not exist.

I'm hacking around in ../lib/tikilib.php and found where Tiki writes the HTML code for image. But I can't figure out how to determine the language of translated wiki page that is currently being viewed. I tried using get_language() but this only shows the user's selected language preference — not the current wiki page.

Can you help?



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