

Error in size of text anchor links

posts: 124 Russian Federation

How correct this?:
i made anchor links on wiki page. I want to do them 16 px not 12 px. I use wysiwyg redactor. I select link and then 16 px in interface wysiwyg and it not work korrectly.

posts: 1563 Germany


I do not know, if it works aswell in WYSIWYG, but it should afaik:

Copy to clipboard


posts: 124 Russian Federation
i need desigion only in WYSIWYG. If i edit page in another way - all what i do in WYSIWYG will be standart- for example in WYSIWYG i made all text 16 px - when i try another mode all text will be 12 px - and it is not only one problem if i try to edit page not in WYSIWYG.

posts: 1563 Germany

We maybe would need more info:

wich Tiki Verion for example.

As more info provide,the more we can guess what causes the problem.


posts: 124 Russian Federation
version 8.3