

Permission error when using a token to access a wiki page

posts: 3

"You are not logged in."

is the error displayed via the error.tpl. It happens when you go to a url such as:


The token is associate with the group "Registered" which has the permission 'tiki_p_view'. Basically, tiki finds that $tiki_p_view != 'y', though it should. If I log in as a user that belongs only to that group, the error does not appear.

Any idea what needs to be fixed to get the token access to work as it would for a user in the same group?

posts: 3
Figured it out. The issue was that I also needed to add the 'Anonymous' group to the token, in addition to 'Registered'. I'm assuming this is because the latter group inherits some core permissions, such as tiki_p_view from 'Anonymous'.