Features / Usability

Features / Usability

List of Comments/Comment Module

posts: 37

I have my students discuss the readings they are doing in a modified wiki page comments section. Is there a way for them to see the comments they've made in the wiki (or comments I may need to reply to) so they don't have to search through with page the comment was made on?

I've found where they can review tracker entries, but not wiki page specific comments.


I've managed to use a module plug-in to show the ten most recent comments. It is popping up with a tool tip showing the date the comment was made and a number. I'm not sure how to customize what the tool tip says.

I've also figured out to use the Action Log to record comments which will help in the grading process.


Better than that, I figured out how to use the SQL plugin to simply query the table and return values. It was way easier than the other methods I was trying.

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