Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: cookies in TikiWiki

posts: 40 France
  • PHPSESSID is set by PHP, not by Tiki.
    You can change the name of PHPSESSID in tiki-admin.php?page=general#contentadmin_general-2
  • PHPSESSIDCV is added by Tiki in tiki-setup_base.php as "extra_validation" against session collisions.
  • local_tz is for local timezone in case dates need to be displayed in the timezone of the viewer.
  • javascript_enabled is Tiki's attempt at figuring out if javascript is enabled, so as to provide HTML/CSS-only fallbacks of stuff which normally requires javascript (menus, etc). It's kind of obsolete because so many new useful things coming from third-party packages don't have any html/css fallbacks. And there is little motivation for customers to finance developping less functional variants of features. So it's not 100% usable with javascript any more.

That's all I know

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