

  • ghayes

    I am trying to install
    TikiWiki 1.9 on an IIS server. I have read your page on Installing 1.9 on IIS, as well as the previous verson install page. I have some confusion. Hopefully you can help.

    1) Where does the "pear" stuff NEED to go? The instructions say:


    Versions 1.8 and later only Enter the following from the command line:
    cd /d c:\tikiwiki_* (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
    cd lib
    mkdir \php4
    xcopy /i /e pear \php4


    But PHP is not installed in that directory. PHP is in D:\program files\php\ and TikiWiki is in F:\data\TikiWiki-1.9.0\ Should the "pear" files go where PHP was installed?

    2) Editing the tiki-install.php and tiki-setup.php files

    The "$docroot = dirname" line shown in your instruction page does not appear in those files as they appear in the 1.9 distribution. Should they new version of the line still be edited? If so, do ALL instances of that line need to be edited?

    Thank you very much in advance if you are able to clear this up for me.

    Garrett Michael Hayes
    ghayes at verbalimaging.com