

Hiding groups of pages

posts: 29

I need to develop groups of pages that are not visible to site visitors and registered users until a given group is ready to go public. The pages in a given group will often be of different Tiki types (e.g., article, related external links for the directory, updated glossary pages, wiki pages providing more detailed discussions, other updated pages linking to pages in the new group, etc.). When ready, I would want all pages to go public simultaneously. Ideally, the pages would be excluded from site searches until ready.

However, I have not yet been able to conjure a way of accomplishing this. I can see pieces, e.g., the Articles feature allows staging, editing, and scheduling of articles' publication. But I have not found any way to stage other page types. The scheduling of publication is not important to me, at least yet.

Does anyone know a way to do this or is there a hack that would work?

Thanks in advance.