Features / Usability

Features / Usability

no userlist/'memberlist' in my menu

posts: 2

tikiwiki is awesome and i wish i saw more tiki forums etc

i run a gaming club/clan/group thingie for some of us older gamers and i dont know squat about online stuff cuz im a dinosaur that predates DOS. my first PC had 1k of RAM. yea.

so how do i get a link to a 'userlist'/'memberlist' for my guests? i have an out-of-the-box 1.8.5 tw.o and im loving
its variety over the 100s of nuke-php forums that other groups
all have.

its at vaporize.us — i have some file and image galleries, quite a few articles (some even peddling gaming supplies), and
a homepage with details about my game server — the point to
it all.

anyway, i just need a way for people to see my members as
that encourages new members. my next questions will be
how do i get into my profile and/or make it public and
how do i get my avatar into it.

mainly, i just want to show-off a userlist and display
who is admin and/or teammembers, etc.

thank you to all who create this and understand it! gg


ps- is this text tiny or is it me?

posts: 1092

Check the feature "Friendship Network" (in admin->features and admin->community) and tiki-list_users.php will give you the list of users.

You will have to do some customization as this list doesn't display the default group for a user ($group = $userlib->get_user_default_group($user))
