Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Advice on setting up Group Permissions and Categories

posts: 3665 United States

I would set permissions as follows:

  1. Create four groups: Employees, Contractors, Management, Executives.
    You didn't mention if there was a hierarchical relationship between them, so I'll ignore that for now.
  2. Add the Registered group to each of the four groups you created.
  3. Grant tiki_p_view and tiki_p_edit to the Registered group.
    Now, users of each group have, by default, read/write access to all wiki pages.
  4. Create four categories: Employees, Contractors, Management, Executives.
  5. For the Employees category, grant tiki_p_view_categories to the Employees group. Now, only Employees can view (and therefore also edit) the any pages that you assign to the Employee category.
    Because you overrode the default category permissions, no other group will be able to view/edit the pages in the category — even though they have the generic tiki_p_edit permission.

Now, if you have some pages that you want viewable by one group but editable by another, its a bit more involved (but still quite do-able).

For example, to create a page that is viewable by Management but editable by Executives, you'll need to override the site-wide permissions and assign page-specific permissions to the page. Assign:

  • tiki_p_view to Managers (managers can now view the page)
  • tiki_p_edit to Executives (executives can now edit the page).

These page-specific permissions will override any existing permissions. For example, Employees (even though, as part of the Registered group they have generic tiki_p_view) will no longer be able to view the page.


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