Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Features Inquiry

posts: 3665 United States

>I am researching TikiWiki for a company and have a few things that I can't seem to find.

Have you looked at the Features page?

>1. Is it able to mark documents as confidential, with different status (complete etc.) and with different priority?

Yes, through Permissions and Categories.
2. Does it allow importing of external documents to create a new document or to add as a new version to an existing one?

>3. Does it allow exporting to an external document?

Yes, depending on what format you need. See Export wiki pages and WebHelp.

>4. Does it have the ability to specify default values?

If you mean default wiki pages, then yes. See Content teamplates.

>5. Does it allow Concurrent edits?


>6. Does it allow Concurrent views?


>7. Does it have the ability to check-in check out version control?

Tiki pages are stored in a database. Page history is maintained autoamtically. See page history.

>8. Does it have the ability to search by title, keyword (can fall in content or title), author, date content, ownner etc.. List all search parameters that can be available?

Yes, see search.

>9. Can documents be easily printed?


>10. What type of formating is allowed? Are there any formatting restrictions?

See Wiki syntax. WYSIWYG is available in 1.10.

>11. What extensions are supported? Can custom extensions be built?

See plugins.

>12. What type of information is maintained/can be maintained for each document?

Depends on what type of "document" you mean... wiki pages? categories? images? blogs? etc. Please see the description of each feature in docs.

>13. Does the wiki support team structure?

I don't know what a "team structure" is.

>14. Can blogs and chats be stored?

Yes, see blogs and chat/live support.

>15. Can blogs be monitored?

You can assign other users/groups to have admin access to a blog.

>16. Can blogs be reviewed before being published?

No. But in 1.10 wiki pages have a staging and approval feature.

>17. If blogs and discussions are supported then can they be referenced in artlicles?


>18. Can external documents link to content on our wiki?


>19. Can the content be exported easily to other content management sites? Sharepoint etc.?

Tiki content is stored in a database. Your other site would need to access the data from the DB.

>20. Initial Wiki Set up (level of difficulty)?

See installation

>21. Ease of set-up of role-based access?

See groups.


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