Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: PHPFreeChat

posts: 289 United States

I've been pretty busy lately so I haven't had much of a chance to look at it any further. One thing I did note from the PHPFreeChat website was that they released a newer version that fixed a major security hole, so that places some doubts about whether I would use the version packaged for Tiki.

Minichat works pretty well, I just wish there was some way to clear the chat or apply some sort of date stamp (as well as time) because it often happens that people might see the time close to their time now and assume somebody is on, when in fact it was the time from 3 days ago (just happens to be close to the time now). Without a date to put the time in context, it's a little useless.

It works on IRC because the chat is constantly being updated and you can clearly see who is online. Yes, I know you can use a Tiki module to display who is online but some of my users are novice users. I don't think they grasp very well the concepts of real-time and stateless connections.

Thanks for the response though.

P.S. I always try to update the documentation here and there were I can.

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