

Re: ready to air my TW site , but ... ... ... PROBLEM with search and create wiki page in Greek

posts: 1092

You are not the only one - the French community that is important in tw has the same problem
1/ which search?
- mysql search:
- tiki search
2/ which database
- mysql is case insentive
- postgres - for which tw will be ready pretty soon is case sentive.
3/ Do you have multibyte support installed on your server.
4/ do you have the locale settings correctly set on your server.

3 and 4 are mandatory

a/ page case insentive
- there is an option in the code to search case sensitive or (I think it will be easy to put the opotion in the interface)(see lib/tikilib/php -> get_page_info
b/ tikisearch + multibyte + locale -> the search should be correct
I do not think that mysql will work properly - missing some mb_convert in the library...

Good luck with the tuning

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