Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: loop with screnn "Tiki Installer Security Precaution"

posts: 214

The page at the link you gave: http://fcold52301.hosting1008.temponlineurl.net/vigasorg/tiki63/tiki-install.php
brings up the "Tiki Installer Security Precaution" page, which means that there is an existing db/local.php file with a valid host, database user, password, and database name. If any of those were incorrect, then you would get a message about not being able to connect to the database instead.

Since the data in the db/local.php file is valid, this page is only trying to verify that you are the administrator by having you provide the MySQL Database username and password for the Tiki database specified in the db/local.php file.

Have you entered the MySQL Database username and password into this page? This is not your Tiki username and password, it is the username and password that you created when you created the original MySQL database to hold the Tiki data. If you do not remember what they were, they are in the db/local.php file. Log in to you server through ssh and access the local.php file, or access the file through FTP, and see what they are and enter them in this page and you will be able to proceed.

If you want to review how the MySQL Database user and password were created, I recommend Tiki for Smarties. A beginner's guide to using Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. Here is the direct link to Tiki for Smarties page on Creating the Database:

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