Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Sort-topics-by-rating in Tiki Forums doesn't work

posts: 25 Germany


in an attempt to deal with trolling, we would like try out Tiki's rating feature in the forums. We're using Tiki 7.1.

However, whenever we select »Rating (descending)« for the parameter »Default sorting of topics« (I hope this is close enough to the english i18n, because we actually make use of the german i18n of Tiki) in a forum's settings (second to last parameter in the settings), and try to view the respective forum, we are presented a page with the error message:

  • »[Titlebar:] System Error

    [Body:] Things to check:

    1. Did you complete the Tiki Installer?
    2. Is your database corrupt? Please see how to repair your database
    3. Are your database credentials accurate? (username, database name, etc in db/local.php)«

As long as we stick to »Newest Postings«, we can use the respective forum as usual. Also, the ratings of topics are displayed in the topics list with no problem.

Any ideas how to resolve this issue?

–– jp