Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: name changes on edit

posts: 175 Canada

Hi, I see it has been a few days with no reply so here are some thoughts.
In playing with the articles it seems it is a wee bit different between versions. What ver. are you using?

When I tried it on 1.8.1 + 1.9CVS sites it kept the authers name upon approval. The name also remained when I edited and then saved the articel. In other ords, it worked great.

A test on an early 1.8 did not save the auther info correctly althought It does say who the user is prior to aproving. I think this is what you are getting. I suspect this was a bug that has been fixed!
I tried my 1.7.5 site but oddly it was causing unrelated problems and could not test it..

However, it does seem that all ver. allow the editor to enter the authers name prior to saving. So perhaps not the best approach but a possible solution.

Perhaps someone else could say if this was a bug that now seems to be fixed. There were a lot of little bugs worked out in the last release of 1.8 and 1.7.5. It is well worth getting the latest tikiwiki version from the download area!.

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