Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Make Menu Item show for anonymous users only?

posts: 3665 United States
The only thing left is to deny access to registered users to the original homepage or some sort of redirect but the first option would be better so it doesn't show up in the page list.

You can do this quite easily with the Group plugin:

Copy to clipboard
{GROUP(groups="Registered)} Redirect to another page {ELSE} Show the homepage content. {GROUP}

I like your module permission idea. Although I have ben thoroughly confused about making modules because anything I create under the modules administration page can only be applied as widgets of sorts to the site itself. and not to individual pags.

You can use the Module plugin to add a module to any wiki page:

Copy to clipboard
{module module="your_module_name"}


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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