Features / Usability

Features / Usability


posts: 41 Germany


now I got the problem solved.
I am not a developer and got no clue about the way to put thinks into the tikiwiki dev CVS.

But there was an little error in the tiki-user_preferences.php file:

The foreach code part titled with "// Custom fields" runs when you click on the change preferences button in your user-preferences page.

But this is wrong, because the costum user fields would be listed under the first part, the user info part.

When you delete or comment out the code part from the
if $_REQUEST%22prefs%22 {
Statement and put the following code:

// Custom fields
foreach ($customfields as $custpref=>$prefvalue ) {
$tikilib->set_user_preference($userwatch, $customfields$custpref'prefName', $_REQUEST[$customfields$custpref'prefName']);

at the end of the:
if 'info'" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips isset">$_REQUEST'info' {
Statement it works perfectly!

You are now able to define costum user fields in the database.
You see this costum user fields in the my-preferences screen,
can edit them and the fields would correctly saved back to the databse.

Hopefully I can help someone with this information.

When anybody got questions about that, please ask.

Thanks, Peter

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