Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

problems unzipping 1.8.4 (files corrupted)

posts: 18 United States
I've tried dling the 1.8.4 version in both the .zip and the .gz files, and both are telling me that they are either incorrect or corrupt when I try to unzip (or else it just fails to unzip when I do it from the commandline). The .gz2 seems to work, but I've had other problems after that...anyway just wondering if anybody was having the same problem, or if you know what's going on. Thanks!
posts: 13 France
I had the same problem. I had to retrieve the 1.8.4 version from the CVS repository.
posts: 1

Yes they are corrupted.
And so is the page the layout of the forums the righthand blocks are ovelaying the forum. It made this editor only 3 characters wide! LMAO I think I'll pass on tikiwiki!

posts: 9 Guatemala

Yes i got the same problem, corrupted files. frown


posts: 10 United States

It is still giving me this error:

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format

What the heck guys, it has been like that for days, which is laughable, because it is so easy to fix. This release fixes some big issues, don't you figure it is time to make it available to everyone?


posts: 1

I tried to download 1.8.4 yesterday in both zip and that was corrupt.
